Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Centeng.Me : Social Media "Positif" buatan Anak Bangsa

hallo guys, dah beberapa minggu gak nulis.. hehehe..

ehm, malam ini saya coba share tentang salah satu social media yang saya lagi ikutin.. :) okk,, mari kita lanjutkan..

CENTENG - media sosial baru di Indonesia, yang baru saja launch beberapa hari lalu dan sekarang sedang masuk tahap open beta.. walau begitu, banyak keunikan yang dapat dilihat di centeng ini,Pada dasarnya, Centeng ini memberikan wadah untuk kita saling bantu antar satu sama lain.. jadi di Centeng ini, kita user dapat memberikan "Job" atau bisa dibilang tugas.. yang mana tugas itu dapat dikerjakan oleh user yang sudah official diangkat untuk mengerjakan job2 yang sudah di post itu..(user official disebut Centeng)..

Adapun Jenis job itu adalah brain, dan muscle.. brain itu tugas nya yang berhubungan sama otak,, kalo muscle misalnya : tolong angkatin sapi depan rumah gw? lohh... :x :x tapi ini serius loh.. jadi di centeng , kita bisa minta tolong orang buat lakuin tugas yang kita post dengan imbalan poin bagi mereka(para centeng) yang sanggup menyelesaikannya.. nantinya poin itu dapat ditukar dengan hadiah.. :)hehehheh..nah ini nih yang bikin centeng beda dari social media yang lain.. Seru bukan? nah buat temen2 yang tertarik join langsung DISINI ya...  abis itu post job nya, biar saya kerjain :) heheheheh..

Sekian dolo deh tentang CENTENG,, next time kita bahas lagi... Nite all.. :)

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Lets talk about Google Adsense

First of all, lets talk about story..

You may have heard the story about many people and teenagers that earned enough money from google Adsense to buy everything that they wants to.. or perhaps you heard about the retiree and owner of the whose earning totaled 120.000 $ in one year..

The stories and countless more have the public talking. Everyone wants to get in on their share of the Google Adsense pie..

What is Google Adsense?

Adsense is program derived from Adwords that allow publishers (other website and blog owners like you and me) to promote these same adwords ads on our own sites, The Google pays us, the publishers, a certain percentage of what the Adwords customers are paying Google for those ads. The diferrences is :

Adwords: website owners pay google to advertise their products,ads , blogs, or websites.
Adsense : Google pay you to publish Adwords customer

in other words, as an Adsense publisher, you are helping Google advertise these Adwords ads, and Google will paying you a share of the revenue they earn every time your visitor CLICKS( only ) on their ads that published on your website/blog.

Google can read your blog,content,etc. and they can interpret what each page is the ads that show up on your site are relevant to the topic on your pages.

Every time, your visitor click that ads, u will get money.. so, if your revenue depends on your visitor, then what should we do??

it means more traffic on your blog, more money you get..

After all, it doesnt get much better than receiving a fat paycheck every month when all you do is build a web site or blog and slap a few ads on it right?

You're right.. it doesnt get much better,but like every rags to riches story,there are always truths that are ignored and overlooked.

At all,Let me say this, Google adsense is one of the best solutions for any blog or website owner who wants to earn a little extra cash. And yes,that extra cash can turn into thousands of dollars every time! it has for so many people. But ill telling u the downside, People are often so wowed by the earning potential, they are led into a false sense of security when it comes to understanding how much work is truly involved to make  decent amounts of money.

Nothing in life is completely free-  u need to spent ur time and take it more serious.. the key is You need to learn how to build your blog/website and work it out.. 

Yes, Adsense can give u money.. but, if you dont learn how to build a website that generates targeted trafic, There will be no money from adsense.

i will update about HOW WE GET MORE TRAFFIC later... so stay tuned guys :) GBU

anyway, i want to say, that im not the perfect one.. im just sharing about how to get  money from internet and share the experience about online business.. again, i'm just like you guys.. i need to learn about this more.. so feel free to comment :)

Senin, 25 Juni 2012

Paypal ke Bank Lokal???

Buat temen2 yang bingung cara cairin dana di paypal ke rekening bank lokal kita, coba disimak yang satu ini :)

Berikut cara mengisi data Bank kita di Paypal:

Login ke akun Paypal
Klik tab My Account
Klik tab Profile
Kemudian klik link Add/Edit Bank Account, disitu Isi data Bank seperti Nama kita, nama Bank, Kode Bank dan rekening

untuk bank code, itu adalah kode dari masing2 bank itu sendiri.. Klik Disini

Setelah mengisi data Bank kita sudah bisa mencairkan uang kita dari Paypal ke rekening kita

Cara mencairkan uang dari Paypal ke rekening Bank kita

Klik tab "Withdraw"
Klik link "Withdraw funds to your bank account"
Kemudian isi jumlah uang yang akan dicairkan.. misal $50. Jika mencairkan uang senilai Rp1.500.000 maka bebas biaya transaksi tapi kalau kurang dari itu maka akan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp.16.000,-

Setelah mengisi jumlah uang yang akan dicairkan Klik "Continue"

Setelah klik Continue maka akan muncul "Review your withdrawal" Disitu akan Tampil jumlah dalam rupiah dan rekening bank yang dituju. Pastikan data disitu benar karena kalau tidak benar maka uang yang ditransfer akan kembali ke akun Paypal kita dan kita kena fee sebesar Rp50.000.

Setelah dirasa benar klik submit.
Uang akan sampai ke rekening Bank kita kira-kira 2-4 hari kerja. :)

Cari uang dengan Clixsense??

Beberapa hari lalu, saya sempat membuat post tentang CLIXSENSE, sebuah program Paid To Click yang merupakan salah satu website yang akan membayar kita untuk meng-klik advertisement yang ada, disini saya akan membagikan beberapa tips untuk membantu teman-teman tentang ClixSense itu sendiri, dan juga tentang sistem kerja nya..

CLIXSENSE adalah salah satu PTC Site yang bertahan lama. Pertama kali muncul di tahun 2007 dan masih bertahan sampai sekarang. Dulu, di awal-awal kemunculannya, Clixsense hanya membayar memakai cek. Sekarang Clixsense sudah bisa mengeluarkan pembayaran melalui Paypal dan AlertPay. Hal ini yang membuat Clixsense mulai dilirik oleh kliker internasional.

Apa saja yang dibutuhkan?
  1. Akses Internet.
  2. Waktu luang.
  3. Akun Paypal (atau AlertPay) untuk bisa dibayar.
  4. Ketekunan.
Bagian 1: Pendaftaran (100% tidak dipungut biaya)
Untuk mendaftar, silahkan daftar DISINI dan Anda akan disuguhi halaman seperti yang terlihat dibawah ini.
Halaman Utama Clixsense
Halaman Utama Clixsense

Klik tombol sign Up yang ada di bagian atas kanan, dan Anda akan disuguhi formulir pendaftaran.
Isi semua data yang diperlukan
Isi semua data yang diperlukan
Setelah yakin dengan data yang Anda isi, klik tombol “Open Account”.
Bagian 2: Akun Anda di Clixsense
Setelah Anda berhasil mendaftar dan menjadi member di Clixsense, cobalah login melalui Klik link username Anda untuk masuk ke Account Summary dan melihat data Anda.
Account Summary
Account Summary
Bagian 3: Klik Iklan, Dapat Dollar
Pastikan Anda sudah login di Clixsense untuk mendapatkan uang dari setiap iklan yang Anda klik. Bila Anda tidak login, Anda masih tetap bisa mengklik iklan, hanya saja klik Anda tersebut tidak menghasilkan pendapatan apa-ap untuk Anda. Rugi kan? :-)
Setelah login, klik link “View Ads” untuk memulai dan Anda akan mendapati halaman seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Halaman Daftar Iklan
Halaman Daftar Iklan
Saat Anda mengklik iklan, jendela baru akan terbuka yang terdiri dari dua frame: bagian atas merupakan milik Clixsense dan bagian bawah merupakan milik advertiser atau pemasang iklan. Anda diharuskan untuk mengklik gambar yang diminta Clixsense sebelum waktu habis (90 detik).
Jendela yang berisi iklan
Jendela yang berisi iklan
Setelah klik gambar tersebut, timer akan mulai berjalan sesuai dengan harga iklan tersebut. Semakin mahal harga iklannya, semakin lama waktu timer nya. Tunggu sampai timer habis dan Anda akan mendapatkan pesan “Your click has been validated” yang artinya Anda sudah mendapatkan uang untuk melihat iklan ini. Kembalilah ke halaman daftar iklan dan klik iklan selanjutnya yang tersedia untuk Anda.
Ingat: Tunggu sampai muncul pesan Your click has been validated sebelum menutup jendela iklan
Setelah selesai mengklik semua iklan yang tersedia untuk Anda, klik link username Anda untuk masuk ke halaman Account Summary untuk mengetahui jumlah saldo Anda.
Bagian 4: Permintaan Pembayaran
Syarat supaya member gratisan bisa dibayar oleh Clixsense adalah sudah mengumpulkan $10. Bila dana Anda sudah mencukupi, masuk ke halaman Account Summary dan klik Cashout.
Request Cashout
Request Cashout
Kapan kita akan dibayar? Clixsense mempunyai peraturan bahwa semua pembayaran yang dilakukan melalui Paypal atau Alertpay akan dibayarkan setiap hari Senin.
Clixsense Cashout FAQs
Clixsense Cashout FAQs
Selesai sudah panduan mengumpulkan dollar menggunakan Clixsense. Tidak terlalu sulit kan? Yang harus Anda miliki hanya internet, akun Paypal, waktu luang dan sedikit ketekunan.
Selamat mengumpulkan dollar!! :)
Bagaimana mendapat dollar lebih banyak?
Jika anda ingin terlibat lebih dalam dan mulai tertarik di clixsense, anda harus tahu sistem dari clixsense ini sendiri. Prinsipnya seperti ini: Kerja santai, penghasilan santai, kerja lebih serius, penghasilan juga lebih banyak.. karena saya bisa memberitahu anda banyak orang yang hidupnya berubah karena Clixsense..  kalau dengan kerja santai yang saya maksud adalah hanya mengklik tiap advertisement/iklan yang diberikan, itu memang menghasilkan.. tetapi dalam sebulan hanya menghasilkan sedikit, cukup untuk membeli 1-2 gelas minuman di starbucks.. tetapi banyak dari mereka, yang mencoba berpikir dari sudut pandang sebaliknya, dan memanfaatkan sistem yang ada, sampai sekarang , mereka bisa kredit rumah, beli mobil, bahkan membiayai pernikahan mereka..cuma karena sebuah bisnis di internet, yang mana 9 dari 10 orang berpikir dan menganggap enteng tentang bisnis ini..

Ok, saya memutuskan menyimak lebih jauh, apa yang harus saya lakukan skrg?

Anda dapat mencari dollar lebih dengan melakukan task-task yang diberikan.. task ini bersifat tidak permanen atau ada batas kuota dari masing2 task tersebut.. jadi prinsipnya seperti ini, sebuah perusahaan anggap saja namanya PT. A membayar clixsense untuk melakukan/mengumpulkan informasi terkait dengan produknya.. Clixsense memberikan uang kepada kita untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang PT.A tersebut.. Jangan berpikir ini sulit, hehehe.. ini sangat mudah, anda dapat mempelajarinya sendiri setelah mempraktekannya..

contoh berdasarkan salah satu dari task di clixsense:

PT.X (anggap saja namanya begitu :d) ingin mengetahui pandangan konsumen terhadap perusahaannya,,
Baik? Buruk? Netral? Relatif Baik? Relatif Buruk?
 sehingga kita diminta untuk mengklik link yang diberikan oleh PT.X (didalamnya bisa tweet(twitter) , atau comment di social network, atau blog lainnya).. misalnya.. di link yang diberikan PT.X seperti ini:
Budi berkata di account twitternya:
Wow, tidak salah pilih.. mantappp... maju terus PT.X

kira2 kalau dari kata2 pendek itu, kita bisa menarik kesimpulan kalau Budi suka dengan pelayanan PT.X jadi kita pilih BAIK.. 

ini salah satu contoh task yang ada di clixsense.. di task ini anda bisa mengumpulkan uang dengan cukup banyak, dan kuncinya tekun.. disini anda bertindak sebagai One Man Power, yang mana hasil yang anda dapatkan hanya berdasarkan kerja keras ANDA dalam mengikuti tasks itu sendiri.. semakin banyak anda mengikuti tasks yang ada, semakin banyak juga hasil yang anda dapatkan.. Saya biasa melakukan 1 task dalam waktu 2-3 menit.. perkiraan 1 jam 25-30 tasks.. 1 task anggap 0.03, yah kira2 0,75-0,90 $ per jam.. yah memang ini bisa menghasilkan, tetapi sekali lagi ini ONE MAN POWER,, @.@ Nah, sampe tahap ini, CLixsense anda masih dibilang bisnis sampingan anda, sambil menjalankan pekerjaan utama anda sendiri.. Kita lanjut ke tahap berikutnya yah,... :)


Disini anda bermain dan bertugas mempromosikan link clixsense anda kepada orang lain untuk mendapatkan refferals.. ditahap ini, merupakan tahap yang menghasilkan penghasilan terbesar anda..

karena setiap anda mendapat referral, anda mendapat dollar dari task yang dia lakukan, dan anda juga mendapat dollar dari setiap dollar yang dia dapat kan dari click advertisement.. Nah disini merupakan kunci terbesar , karena disini anda diminta untuk berpikir bagaimana untuk mempromosikan Clixsense anda kepada teman anda.. itu dapat dilakukan dengan obrolan ke sesama teman, dengan Blog( sudah saya bahas di post saya sebelumnya), dengan social networking, dan lain sebagainya.. tapi saat anda bekerja sama dengan teman2 anda untuk membangun suatu sistem kerja yang baik, anda dapat melihat hasilnya.. :)

3. ClixGird

sebuah game yang akan memberikan hadiah antara 0,1-5 dollar apabila beruntung, disana anda bebas memilih atau mengklik 25 kotak secara random.. :) kalau anda beruntung, lumayan bisa nambah uang saku :d

4. Upgrade premium

Keuntungan yang didapat: 
1. Lebih banyak mendapat iklan yang dapat diklik
2. Uang yang didapat juga lebih banyak dari hasil iklan tersebut
3. Bonus dari tasks dari referral, lebih besar 2x lipat
4. Bonus clicks dari referral, juga lebih besar 2 x lipat
5. ClixGird sebanyak 50 kotak random ( 2x lipat kesempatan lebih banyak untuk mendapatkan bonus)

Inilah beberapa tips yang dapat dilakukan untuk bermain Clixsense, yang akan saya update terus..yah seperti yang saya bilang tadi, ini semua kuncinya ketekunan, ada yang bermain Clixsense , hanya bisa membeli beberapa dollar sebulan, ada meluangkan waktu lebih dan mendapat uang lebih..tetapi ada yang hidup nya berubah total karena clixsense..  :D :D

Anda lah yang memilih.. 

Anda berminat? Ayo Daftar DISINI dan JOIN sekarang..

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012


Kenapa jadi ingin membuat blog, apa keuntungannya ?
Keuntungan ngeblog itu banyak banget bisa menjadi sarana ngumpul, cari informasi, belajar bahkan jadi sebuah hobby yang menghasilkan, Dan karena itu saya coba share sama temen2, tentang blog dan juga internet marketing dan cara mendapatkan uang dari blog, anyway beberapa tulisan di blog ini menggunakan bahasa inggris,tapi jangan bingung2, hehehe, tinggal ditranslate aja pake tools translate di kanan..hehhehe

Pada awalnya di postingan ini hanya ada cara buat blog  di (blogspot) cara membuat blog di cms lain seperti blogdetik,, dag dig dug, kompaisana dan lain-lain menyusul postingannya pada lain waktu. platform blog yang jadi salah satu blog pilihan blogger Indonesia terutama buat yang baru belajar seperti saya. Walau sebagian blogger pro mencibir blogspot dan selalu membanding bandingkan dengan blogspot selalu yang utama dihatiku karena dia gratis dan sudah support beragam script dan bisa memasang iklan.

Langsung saja ini langkah demi langkah cara membuat blogger di Blogspot terbaru :

1. Membuat Email di sudah di akusisi oleh Google jadi langkah pertama dalam membuat blog di blogspot ialah kita wajib untuk memiliki akun GMAIL sebagai  email yang digunakan untu daftar di Walaupun sebenarnya bisa menggunakan email lain tapi percaya deh mending make GMAIL dari awal.

Cara Membuat Email di Gmail
Daftar GMAIL gratis buka lalu klik di pojok kanan atas Create An Account atau Buat Akun

cara membuat blog
membuat akun di

Tinggal isi data data di akun gmail yang akan dibuat seperti nama, tempat tanggal lahir , password dan lain-lain.

membuat blog

Biasanya dalam membuat email di GMAIL kita perlu verifikasi lewat nomor handphone jadi usahakan masukan nomor handphone yang bisa dikirimin sms dari Google untuk verifikasi.

Setelah email di Gmail dibuat baru kita bisa melanjutkan ke step 2 membuat blog.

2. Daftar di
Setelah membuat email di GMAIL sekarang saatnya daftar di

buka lalu klik bagian kanan atas yang bertulisan 'sign up atau daftar'
cara membuat blog
daftar blogger | Sign Up

Isi data-data sesuai keinginan :

Cara bikin blog

  • email : email GMAIL yang kita buat tadi di tahap 1
  • Password : pilihlah password minimal 8 karakter
  • Display Name (nama tampilan) : Merupakan nama yang digunakan sebagai nama kita di akun blog nanti.
  • Gender (Jenis Kelamin) : pilih kelamin sesuai kenyataan atau kalau ragu pilih "other atau lainnya"
  • Birthday (tanggal lahir) : masukan dengan format tanggal/bulan/tahun misal jika tanggal lahir 17 agustus 1945 maka yang dimasukkan = 17/08/1945 jika dalam format bahasa inggris seperti gambar dibawah maka format tanggalnya ialah bulan/tanggal/tahun
  • Word Verification (verifikasi) : masukan karakter yang terdapat di bawah
  • Lalu centang Acceptance of terms (penerimaan peryaratan)
  • Klik Continue / Lanjutkan

3. Membuat Blog | Cara Bikin Blog
Sampai proses diatas sobat sudah selesai cara membuat akun Blogger, sekarang saatnya membuat BLOGnya. 
cara daftar blogspot

Di akun blogger klik "Blog baru" untuk membuat blog. Lalu akan muncul halaman untuk memilih Judul, Alamat Blog dan Template.
Cara Membuat Blogger : memilih Judul, Alamat dan template

Pilih Judul dan Alamat blog.

  • Judul digunakan sebagai penama blog, misal untuk blog ini dulu kuberi judul Blognya Ayead Tergaptek
  • Alamat merupakan url alamat blog yang diinginkan misal alamat blog
Memilih Template Blog
Ada berbagai template bawaan dari blogger yang tersedia sobat bisa memilih terserah sesuai dengan yang disuka

4. Blog Sudah Jadi
Selamat ! sampai disini blog sudah berhasil dibuat, namun masih kosong. Setelah ini akan ada beberapa hal yang perlu di setting sebelum melakukan posting.

5. Jangan lupa cek email yang didaftarkan tadi untuk memverifikasi akun google kita .
Di email yang kita daftarkan pada tahap 1 nanti akan ada "

Google Email Verification

" buka dan klik link yang ada di dalam email tersebut

6. Blog Siap Dipakai
Sobat bisa membuat postingan / tulisan baru, mengedit tampilan

keterangan :
 1. Membuat Postingan / Tulisan Baru
2. Melihat Postingan / mengedit post
3. Mengatur Widget
4. Setting
5. Mengatur Tampilan Template : warna dan lain-lain
6. Blog Baru, Satu akun blogger bisa digunakan untuk membuat banyak blog jadi sobat bisa menambah blog lain cukup dengan 1 akun blogger saja.

Semoga Cara Membuat Blog sederhana dari blogspot ini bermanfaat.


How to make Blog

A "blog" is an abbreviated word for web-log, a web-based journal in which people can publish their thoughts and opinions on the Internet. It is everyone's home on the world wide web and probably their number one venting venue. Anyone can start a blog. It's straight-forward and, in a lot of cases, less than 100 dollars.


  1. Find a decent blogging provider that appeals to you. The most popular providers include LiveJournal, Blogger,, Xanga, Tumblr and Webs. These sites are pre-made with templates and push-button publishing that don't require much technical know-how.

  2. Once you sign up, you'll have a gallery of ready-made templates to choose from. With these, you can pick a color scheme and layout for your blog.
    • Most sites come with a set of predefined layouts and schemes that you can choose from. Select one and personalize it. Then add your name, interests, images, etc.
    • If you want to, get a more unique template, there are some sites up that have many of these that might make it look better. For example, or
  3. Add blogging freebies like buttons, images, blog chalks, imoods, tagboards (for example,, guest maps, guestbooks, comment boxes for readers' input, etc.
  4. Explore other blog sites that offer more features for a small fee, such as

  5. Decide whether you want your blog to be private or public: do you want any Internet visitor to be able to read your blog, or do you just want your friends and family to be able to read it? Most blog sites offer the ability to password-protect your published posts so only those who you approve of can view what you've written.
  6. After you've set up your blog, write a few posts to test it out, and make any adjustments to the layout or style that you see fit. Like if you just got a new template, you'd check your blog to see if you like it, right? At first, it will seem tough to figure out what to write, but once you get into a routine of daily blogging, you will find it addictive. Write about your day, your thoughts, events, ideas, fears, pleasures, the news, current affairs, art, or anything you are interested in!

  7. Visit other blogs to build a blogging circle. When you leave comments, add your blogging address so they can visit you too. (Note: This will not work if your blog is private)
  8. Publish your blog by sending the URL to your friends or publish the URL on your website. Add the URL to posts you make on other blogs.

Make Money on Blog

Make Money Blogging

Do you want to make money blogging? If you do – you’re not alone. More and more bloggers are finding that blogging is a profitable medium. Whether it be to earn a few extra dollars a week to feed their coffee habit, or making enough money to stop them having to get a part time job to get through college, or whether they’ve got it to a point where they are able to make a full time living from their blogging – there are tens of thousands of bloggers who make money blogging.

How to Make Money Blogging

In this page I want to share some information for beginners on how to make money blogging. For a very quick and broad visual intro – check out this Make Money Blogging MindMap which visualizes just SOME of the ways bloggers make money blogging.
First – let me start by sharing my own top Money Making Methods (updated regularly) but below that point you to some great resources and teaching on how to increase your income from blogging.
How I Make Money BloggingWhat follows is a quick summary of my main income streams from blogging. Before you read it though – keep in mind that every blog is unique in how it can make money. Some of the following income streams will work on some blogs a lot better than others – the key is to experiment with as many as possible and see what works best for you.
The following income streams (from a number of blogs) have helped me to earn a six figure income each year for the last 5 years from blogging. I’ve ranked them from highest to lowest.
I hope you find it useful to see the mix and variety of ways that I earn a living from blogging.

1. AdSense

AdsenseDespite not using it here at ProBlogger any more (here’s why) I continue to use AdSense with amazing effect on my other blogs. I have them all set to show image and text based ads and find that 250×300 pixel ads work best (usually with a blended design). I don’t have much luck with their ‘referrals’ program but their normal ads work a treat and continue to be the biggest earner for me.

2. Affiliate Programs

miscellaneous affiliate programsI run a variety of affiliate programs on my blogs – most of which bring in smaller amounts of money that don’t really justify a category of their own (but which certainly add up).
These include recommending quality products like these here on ProBlogger: Thesis WordPress theme, Yaro’s Blog Mastermind Coaching Program and How to Launch the F*** out of your E-Book (and others) as well as some great products on my photography blog including 123 of Digital Imaging, David DuChemin’s amazing Photography E-Books and Mitchell Kanashkevich’s great ebooks.
The great thing about many of these programs is that they are of such high quality that they sell themselves and I am being emailed from readers who sign up to them thanking me for the recommendation!

3. E-Book Sales

make-money-blogging-ebooks.jpgLast time I did a wrap up of how I make money blogging this category did not exist for me – I didn’t really have any of my own products to sell at all. However in the last year or so I’ve released 3 E-books – 31 Days to Build a Better Blog, The Essential Guide to Portrait Photography and Photo Nuts and Bolts: Know Your Camera and Take Better Photos. While these products all only sell for under $20 they certainly add up and some months this has been my biggest category of income. The reason they were only ranking at #3 in the last month was that I didn’t do a product launch (I wrote about one launch which brought in $72,000 in a week here). This is an income stream I see growing as I add more E-books to my range (expect 3 in the coming few months).

4. Continuity Programs

make-money-blogging-continuity.jpgThis is another newer category for me but one that continues to grow.
A continuity program is a site where you earn a recurring income from people who subscribe to a service you offer.
For me this includes two sites – and Third Tribe Marketing. Both programs are membership sites and generate monthly income from the thousands of members that they have as a part of them.

5. Private Ad Sales/Sponsorships

private-ad-salesPrivate ad sales directly to advertisers have fallen for me in the last year (they previously ranked #3 on this list). This is partly due to a change in my own focus but also partly due to the economy as it is. I should note that this area does vary a little from month to month depending upon the campaigns we’re asked to run – we’ve had a couple of months where it actually ranked #2 in the last year.
This includes ad sales of the 125 x 125 ads here at ProBlogger as well as a campaign or two at Digital Photography School.

6. Chitika

ChitikaChitka continues to be a great performer for me on my blogs. They traditionally have worked best on product related blogs although their Premium ad units now convert well on a larger range of blogs.
While I’ve focused a little less on Chitika in the last 6 months (mainly as I’ve released my own products and moved a little away from advertising) they do continue to perform well where I use them and over the time I’ve been using Chitika they’ve now earned me over a quarter of a million dollars – as a result I can’t recommend them enough!

7. Amazon Associates

Amazon’s affiliate program has been one of my big movers in the last 12 months. I used to make a few odd dollars from it – however in recent times it has become a significant earner for me (in fact it’s now earned me over $100,000 since I started using it). Christmas time (and the lead up to it) is a particularly good time for Amazon – last December it would have ranked #2 on this list.

8. ProBlogger Job Boards

make-money-blogging-job-board The job boards here at ProBlogger continue to grow each month in the number of advertisements that are being bought. This enabled me to invest most of the money that they’d earned a while back into getting a new back end for the boards and to redesign them. These job boards now bring in over $1000 a month in revenue which is pretty nice considering that they are so low maintenance to run. They also offer a service to readers and add value to the overall blog.
The only problem that I face with the job boards is that there are so many bloggers looking for work that the demand for jobs far exceeds the supply. On the good side of things is that advertisers are reporting getting amazing quality of applications.

9. Speaking Fees

I get asked to do a lot of speaking and increasingly they are paid opportunities. I’m not able to do as many as I would like (mainly because I live in Australia and most of what I’m asked to do is overseas and I only travel 2-3 times a year) – however in April I did a couple of events and the income was enough to include in this list.

Other Income

In addition to all of the above there are many smaller incomes. Many of these are from smaller advertising programs that I test but none are big enough to really rate a mention here.
The other income stream that there was no actual money from in April was book royalties from the ProBlogger Book. These are only paid every 6 or so months (not in April). It’s probably also worth mentioning that authors don’t tend to make a whole lot of money on book royalties – you don’t write books to get rich (unless you sell a lot of them).

Internet Marketing Strategies

Finding the Right Internet Marketing Mix
How much of your marketing strategy should be handled online, which Internet marketing elements you use, and the importance you should give to your website, depends on the nature of your business, your budget, and, to some extent, your personal traits. All of these considerations are part of strategic Internet marketing decisions that help develop Internet marketing strategies for a business.

Using Offline Elements with Internet Marketing Strategies
Unless you transact business only online, for example if you are an eBay reseller, you will probably want to include some traditional offline marketing elements in your overall marketing strategy in addition to the elements in your Internet strategy in your marketing mix. Even those who conduct business only online might consider placing traditional ads in newspapers or magazines to bring prospects to their website to transact business online. Perfect examples of including offline elements as part of Internet marketing strategies are Expedia, Travelocity and While they are online businesses, they invest heavily in traditional advertising, including radio and TV advertising, to draw traffic to their sites where the actual business is conducted.

Develop Internet Marketing Strategies You Like

If you have a personal distaste for "spam", which most of us do, you may not want to include email marketing in your strategic Internet marketing plan. However, email marketing doesn't have to mean just sending out unsolicited messages to every email address you can gather. If you include a visitor registration form on your website, for example, or if you exhibit at trade shows, you have the vehicles needed to collect email addresses of interested prospects. You might consider creating a newsletter and sending it to these prospects on a regular basis as part of your strategic Internet marketing plan. Or, you might just set up a schedule where you periodically send an email to your interested prospects to see how they're doing, if you can be of assistance to them, or if their needs have changed since you last talked. So even if you don't incorporate email marketing into your Internet marketing strategy, per se, you are still using email as a tool to promote your business.

Your Budget and Your Internet Marketing Strategy
Of course, your budget will also determine the components you use in any of the Internet marketing strategies you might develop. A website will require you to choose a domain name and register it and to purchase web hosting services for your website. Both items are deeply discounted, in fact I recently saw an offer for domain name registration for only $1.99 per year - provided you also purchase other services, like hosting, which is now also available for less than $10 per month.
Once that's done, you'll need a design and content for your website, which you'll either need to provide yourself or pay to have a web content professional and/or web designer handle it for you.
Once your content and design are in place, you'll want your site to be found, so you'll want to learn about search engine optimization (SEO), which is an important part of strategic Internet marketing, whether you do it yourself of pay someone else to do it for you.
Ideally, if you pay to have web content written for you, that content should be optimized for search engines when it's written. Likewise, you or your web designer should know something about SEO because how your site is designed can enhance or limit your site traffic, and in the vast majority of cases, SEO should be a significant part of your Internet marketing strategy. In both cases, you may pay a bit more, but you'll save time in the long run.
Once your website is up and running, you'll either need to maintain it yourself or outsource the duties to an independent Webmaster to do it for you.
Pay-per-click advertising (PPC), like Google AdWords can be easy on your budget because you can specify how much you're willing to pay when someone clicks your ad and how much you're willing to pay per day. You can also specify whether you want to include your ad only on search pages or on other websites related to your keywords. You can set geographic and time of the day restrictions on when and where your ads run. Plus, PPC ads are fairly easy to activate and suspend whenever you need to do so, they're easy to update and they provide near real time tracking benefits you won't get with most other elements in your Internet marketing strategy. You can also use images and/or videos with PPC advertising, which may be more cost effective than placing banner ads on other websites.
On the other side of the coin, you can use pay per click ads to make money with your website, through programs like Google AdSense, Yahoo Publisher or Microsoft AdCenter.

Tracking the Results of Internet Marketing Strategies
Let's face it: the average home business operator is not awash in cash. If you're going to be spending money on strategic Internet marketing initiatives, you'll need to track how effective they are. As you do so, you'll discover which Internet marketing strategies work for your business and which do not. And, you can learn from the mistakes you make in your Internet advertising campaign to improve your skills and enhance your success. Knowing what's worth spending money on and what isn't is very helpful in developing Internet marketing strategies as your business matures.

Strategic Internet Marketing Needs to be Flexible
Keep in mind, in most cases, patience is a true virtue when it comes to tracking the success of a strategic Internet marketing campaign. Search engines aren't likely to find you overnight and your strategies may not generate revenues right away.
Because you'll have literally millions of competitors who are also engaging in strategic Internet marketing, it will behoove you to keep on your toes and be ready to make necessary adjustments in your Internet marketing strategies when appropriate. However, some knowledge, some capable assistance, and a well-managed strategic Internet marketing plan can increase your chances for success.

Internet marketing??

What is Internet Marketing?
Depending on whom you ask, the term Internet marketing can mean a variety of things. At one time, Internet marketing consisted mostly of having a website or placing banner ads on other websites. On the other end of the spectrum, there are loads of companies telling you that you can make a fortune overnight on the Internet and who try to sell you some form of "Internet marketing program".
Today, Internet marketing, or online marketing, is evolving into a broader mix of components a company can use as a means of increasing sales - even if your business is done completely online, partly online, or completely offline. The decision to use Internet marketing as part of a company's overall marketing strategy is strictly up to the company of course, but as a rule, Internet marketing is becoming an increasingly important part of nearly every company's marketing mix. For some online businesses, it is the only form of marketing being practiced.
Internet Marketing Objectives
Essentially, Internet marketing is using the Internet to do one or more of the following:
  • Communicate a company's message about itself, its products, or its services online.
  • Conduct research as to the nature (demographics, preferences, and needs) of existing and potential customers.
  • Sell goods, services, or advertising space over the Internet.
Internet Marketing Components
Components of Internet marketing (or online marketing) may include:
  • Setting up a website , consisting of text, images and possibly audio and video elements used to convey the company's message online, to inform existing and potential customers of the features and benefits of the company's products and/or services. The website may or may not include the ability to capture leads from potential customers or directly sell a product or service online. Websites can be the Internet equivalents of offline brochures or mail order catalogs and they are a great way to establish your business identity.
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM), which is marketing a website online via search engines, either by improving the site's natural (organic) ranking through search engine optimization (SEO), buying pay-per-click (PPC) ads or purchasing pay-for-inclusion (PFI) listings in website directories, which are similar to offline yellow page listings.
  • Email marketing, which is a method of distributing information about a product or service or for soliciting feedback from customers about a product or service through Email. Email addresses of customers and prospective customers may be collected or purchased. Various methods are used, such as the regular distribution of newsletters or mass mailing of offers related to the company's product or services. Email marketing is essentially the online equivalent of direct mail marketing.
  • Banner advertising, which is the placement of ads on a website for a fee. The offline equivalent of this form of online marketing would be traditional ads in newspapers or magazines.
  • Online press releases, which involve placing a newsworthy story about a company, its website, its people, and/or its products/services with on online wire service.
  • Blog marketing, which is the act of posting comments, expressing opinions or making announcements in a discussion forum and can be accomplished either by hosting your own blog or by posting comments and/or URLs in other blogs related to your product or service online.
  • Article marketing, which involves writing articles related to your business and having them published online on syndicated article sites. These articles then have a tendency to spread around the Internet since the article services permit re-publication provided that all of the links in the article are maintained. Article marketing can result in a traffic boost for your website, and the distribution of syndicated articles can promote your brand to a wide audience.
  • Social media marketing, which can involve social networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and social bookmarking sites like Digg.
Internet Marketing and Home Business
Of all of the components of Internet marketing, prospective customers and clients expect a business to have a website. In fact, not having one could raise a red flag to a prospect. Online usage has become so pervasive today, many prospects might easily choose to do business with a company that they can get up-to-date information on 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Even a business that only has very local customers, such as a single location restaurant or shoe store can benefit from having a website and engaging in online marketing. And, those businesses whose customers are not restricted to a geographical area might have a difficult time finding an alternate method of attracting customers that offers the reasonably low expense and worldwide reach of a Web presence.
Because of the "virtual" nature of most home businesses, websites, if not an absolute necessity, can certainly provide benefits to a home business operator. Since most home-based businesses don't have a physical location, a website provides an inexpensive means for prospects to get to know what you do or what you sell and can even be a "storefront" for selling goods and services directly.
The Internet has greatly enabled home businesses to prosper because of the reasonably low cost to start and maintain a web presence. Therefore, Internet marketing should be part of your business plan and your marketing strategy.

How To get Referrals..

Any experienced business person can tell you that the best way to generate better leads and make more sales is to get more referrals.

Referral leads are more likely to be interested in your services. They are more likely to believe in what you are selling. And they are more likely to stick with you — even if you botch the sales pitch. In short, referral leads are ready to buy.
Oh, and one more thing — referral business is often free. And that’s a big deal for freelancers like yourself (I’m guessing you don’t have a marketing budget like Apple).

So if referral business is the Holy Grail for freelancers, why do so few freelancer know how to get more referrals? How do you ask for referrals? When do you ask for them? Are there actions you can take to make it easier to get them?
I’ve searched the Internet high and low and discovered 12 brilliant articles that answer those questions and much more. Browse the selection below and start learning how to get more referrals.
How to get more referrals (the full list)

While some articles provide similar advice, each piece has at least one unique tip hidden inside. Check out all 12 and build a referral strategy that can explode your business.

1. The Freelancer’s Guide to Increasing Referral Business
This FreelanceSwitch article starts things off by covering a few reasons why referrals are so great and then gets into 12 solid tips and tactics that you can use to improve the amount of referrals in your freelance business. Two of the gems: asking for client feedback to determine your area of expertise and building a competitive advantage over the rest of the market.

2. Get More Referrals by Asking
This article flips the typical referral script on it’s head and states, “Give and You Shall Receive.” Read more to learn how to make giving a habit and generating referrals a frequent event.

3. How to Get More Referrals & Find Strategic Business Partners with John Jantsch
This 30 minute web show is run by HubSpot and they interview the author of Referral Engine, John Jantsch. John shares all sorts of information about generating referrals for your business in this excellent interview. Two of my favorites include the number one reason why businesses get referrals and the strategy to use to discover what makes your business remarkable and will get people talking.

4. How to Ask for Referrals and Get More Clients
This article is all about how to ask for referrals. It covers real scripts that you can reuse for your freelance business and put into practice today. This article also comes with a list of tips and suggestions to keep in mind when you get ready to ask for a referral.

5. How to get referrals
This throwback article is a hidden gem in Seth Godin’s archive. As only Seth can, he reminds us that referrals aren’t really about our business, but about the customer. Check it out and discover his sage advice on how to make referrals about the only person who matters: the client.

6. How to Get More Referrals
This article covers a crucial aspect of generating freelance referrals: how to get more referrals by taking control of the process and developing a sustainable referral system.

7. How a freelance marketer built her business with referrals
Gail Keith is a successful freelance marketer who left the corporate world almost a decade ago. In this story, she shares how she built her freelance business from the ground up with referrals. You’ll also find 3 specific techniques that you can use to increase the number of referrals you get.

8. How to finesse 156% more referrals
This down-to-earth article covers the typical process of asking for a referral. However, it also covers a not-so-typical — but oh so critical — suggestion of thanking the referrer.

9. How to Ask for a Referral Without Sounding Like a Jerk
This article shares a brief story of a brilliant freelancer who lost his chance for a referral and then shows you what you can do to prevent the same fate happening to you. Don’t miss this short read on how to get more referrals.

10. Attn Freelance Writers: How to Get More Work from Existing Clients
This article is targeted towards freelance writers, but many of the principles will be useful for all freelancers. If you’re interested in learning how to get more business from your existing clients, then this article is for you.

11. 5 Keys to Building Referral Business
This article focuses on web designers and developers, but once again, the principles are sound advice for all freelancers. This piece also raises good points about the ease of contact that you should provide if you want people to refer your work. There are also a few decent points in the comments of this article that highlight the areas freelancers are really struggling with.

12. 15 Tips for Getting Client Referrals to Grow Your Freelance Business
This article from American Writers and Artists, Inc. is filled with 15 tips to help you create a strategy that can generate a stream of referrals in your freelance business. The first tip might be the most important: set a referral goal for each month. If you make referrals a priority, then you’ll discover how to get more referrals much more quickly.

What about you? :)

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Cara mudah mendapatkan uang dari Internet.. Gratis dan Tanpa modal..

Hello Guys, 

salam kenal, saya Gunawan..

saya mau berbagi sedikit tips untuk kalian yang mau menambah penghasilan atau berpenghasilan tetap dari internet... Disimak yahh.. :D :D

Anda orang yang sedang mencari2 pekerjaan? atau, Anda orang yang suka duduk  dan banyak melakukan aktivitas di di depan komputer??? Anda berminat mendapatkan uang extra dari internet secara cepat dan tanpa modal?? atau malah berkeinginan menjadikan internet sebagai sumber pekerjaan anda?? :) :)

CLIXSENSE - suatu program yang sangat simple sederhana dan mudah digunakan,, yang akan membayar anda untuk setiap click yang anda lakukan. satu iklan dihargai antara $0,01 hingga $5..

mungkin terlihat kecil , tapi bagaimana apabila dilakukan rutin??

Di clixsense, ada 2 jenis member yaitu standart dan premium.. untuk member standart , tidak dikenakan biaya.. cukup dengan sign up secara GRATISSS.. untuk member premium dikenakan biaya, tapi tentunya dapat mendapatkan uang dari Pay Per Click -Clixsense lebih banyak dibanding member biasa..dan mendapatkan uang tambahan lebih dibanding member biasa..

disini saya berikan perhitungan kasarnya, anggap saja:

1 iklan 30 detik , anggap kita dibayar minimal 0.01, apabila kita meluangkan waktu 2 jam berarti 120 menit x 2 (60detik/30 detik perkali click) x0.01 =2.4 $ per harinya. dan apabila dilakukan selama 1 bulan (30 hari) , menjadi 2.4x 30 =72 $ per bulan.. lumayan bukan?? :D

Anda tertarik?? anda bisa daftar disini secara GRATISSSS... :)



Silahkan dicoba dan rasakan sendiri :D :D

nb: ini bukan penipuan karena melibatkan banyak pihak pembayaran resmi seperti paypal, apabila ini termasuk penipuan , tentunya Paypal tidak akan mau bekerjasama dengan Clix sense...